".. smells just like the ocean.."
___ Stuff, Nov. 2001
".. containing ozone and oxygen and mixed with musk and an organic secret 'spirit of life'.."
___ City Magazine, Summer 2001
".. a pure blast of salt and oxygen, it dries down into something softer, more musky and reminiscent of childhood's spent on the beach.."
___ i-D, Nov. 2000
".. smells like...well, it's too awful to mention..'"
___ Allure, Nov. 2000
".. a salty ocean scent that's ideal for weekends.."
___ Jane, Nov. 2000
".. polyester resin, neoprene rubber, wax and the smell of ocean spray are not the inspiration for your usual perfume.."
___ SV Magazine, Aug. 2000
".. a robust bouquet reminiscent of polyester resin, neoprene rubber and salt.."
___ Time Out New York, Aug. 2000